https://youngmig.orgThe project titled “Bridging Youth and Young Professionals in a Migrational Context via Digitalization (YOUNGMIG)” was launched under KA2 Strategic Partnerships in the field of Youth under Erasmus+. The project has 1 partner from England, Austria and France and 3 partners from Turkey. 163.385,00 Euro were considered eligible for funding. The project has a duration of 24 months and starts on 01/04/2021 and ends on 31/03/2023.
This project aims to provide knowledge and understanding to all professionals dealing with migrants in the long term. This project targets college students who, upon graduation, will be active participants in public service, academia, the private sector, and society at large to achieve this goal in the long term. The creation and development of a module of learning programs, both conventional and digital, is the preferred method in this project. These learning programs will include academic and policy-related parts of the training as well as language modules.